Sunday, January 11, 2009

Bird? *points finger*

Keira's vocabulary is basically limited to two words. One is "Bird". The other is "Bich". (She swears that there's no T in that one...) So, to show her what birds look like, we took Keira to feed the ducks at the Oak Hill Park in Danville. She had a fantastic time watching the ducks crowd around chasing down the little crumbs. Ironic, the little crumbsnatcher watching other crumbsnatchers snatch crumbs.

And yeah, it was cold - you can tell in the picture with Da-Da that she wasn't having much fun when she was outside her little blanket cocoon of a stroller.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas Pics

So for Christmas, and what we hope to be a continued tradition, I made a "digital scrapbook" for Kristina, grabbing the best photos over the year and putting them into one big digital negative that I could then slap into a scrapbook size (12"x12") album. It's like scrapbooking without all the gluesticks and mess, and gives me a reason to play with photoshop. Click on the pics for the full size images...